Do Batteries Naturally Wear Out Over Time? | Big O Tires
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Do Batteries Naturally Wear Out Over Time?

Yes, all car and truck batteries wear out and need to be replaced over time, usually every 3 to 5 years or so. It's a good idea to have older batteries checked so you don't find yourself stranded with a dead battery.

Do Batteries Naturally Wear Out Over Time?

If the battery or alternator light stays on after you've started the car, or comes on while you're driving, the battery could be running down. Have your battery checked as soon as possible.

Of course, you can run down a new battery by leaving lights or other accessories on too long. When a newer battery is drained like this, it's still most likely good, just empty of charge. Get a jump, and then drive to a shop to have the battery fully charged up again. (The old-school trick of driving around for a while strains your alternator. It's better to put the battery on a charger.)

Eventually, all batteries wear out or won't hold a charge and will need to be replaced. However, even a new battery can go dead if the headlights or parking lights are left on. Even a single interior dome light is enough to drain a battery, if it is left on overnight. Electrical system problems, such as a faulty alternator, can cause your battery to go dead. When you drive, watch for the warning lights on your dashboard. If the battery or alternator light stays on after you've started the car, or comes on while you're driving, the battery could be running down. Have your battery checked as soon as possible.

Not sure where your battery stands? Stop in to any of our stores, and we'll check its health, free.